Five Tips on Writing Effective Website Content

Well written content is vital for your website – both from an SEO and customer journey perspectiv...

Well written content is vital for your website – both from an SEO and customer journey perspective. If you’re looking to stay on Google’s good side you need to make sure the content on your site isn’t outdated – we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, Google loves nothing more than fresh content!

Not only this, but the user experience can also be affected dramatically by the quality of your content.

So without further ado, here are our top five tips on writing effective website content that your users, and most importantly Google, are going to love!

Plan before you write

Before you start writing your website content make sure that you have considered what the main aims of your business are and what the aims of the piece you are writing are. Otherwise, it’s very easy to head off on a tangent or two, as the writer of this blog knows too well!

As well as this, you need to make sure you have a clear grasp of brand awareness, as this will effectively determine the tone of the website content. Cater to your audience and always go with what has worked well or been successful before – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

If you have done your research this will help to keep website content relevant, which is exactly what you should be looking to do with all content you produce across your business.

Get your most important points across first

It may sound simple but it’s also a point that can easily be forgotten, once you’ve started writing your website content. The customer should be able to know what your business does from reading the first few lines on your homepage.

In the digital world, the quality of your written content is key; visuals and interactive content such as video dominate the landscape so choose your words wisely!

Use short paragraphs to keep readers engaged and avoid passive tense where possible, keep it enthusiastic at all times if you can!

Check spelling and grammar

There’s nothing worse than spelling mistakes. It makes your website content and just your business overall appear amateur, which is not what anybody wants!

No matter how quirky or relaxed the tone of your website is (and we should know!) the errors will automatically give any potential customer a negative impression of your website and your business. This, in turn, means there’s a very high chance you’ve lost potential new business there and then.

Make use of Grammarly (, it’s fantastic and super easy to use, with either a free or premium option. Before you set a blog live, get a colleague to have one last check and then you’re good to go!


We’re not saying you have to become an SEO expert overnight – leave that to us! However, make sure you consider keywords when you are writing website content.

If you are a local business and your target demographic is largely based in Warrington, then consider using a keyword which includes ‘Warrington’ in your blog.

Avoid duplicate website content – Google doesn’t like this one bit! Make sure that there aren’t large chunks of texts which are repeated on other pages of your website.

Don’t brag too much

Don’t overdo it on the self-praise. People who are visiting your website for the first time are not as invested and impressed by your products as you are – they don’t know how great they are yet!

Rather than saying ‘we are the best’, show the customers why you are the best. Show them how great your products are.

So there you have it, that’s our five top tips on writing effective website content. If you’d still like that added bit of help, call us on 01925 563 960 or get in touch here.

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