Mosaic Team try out Hypnotherapy in the office

Easter, the excuse to eat as much chocolate as we can, is here and we’ve already started stockpil...

The Mosaic team took an hour of their day to take part in a much anticipated guided Hypnotherapy session in the office last week. We learn more about what hypnosis is and how it can be helpful in the workplace.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a complimentary therapy in which guided hypnosis is used to create a state of focus and increased awareness during which positive suggestions and imagery are used to help individuals deal with a variety of concerns and issues.

Who led the session?

The Hypnotherapy session was led by the professional Hypnotherapist David Webb who’s based in Northwich, Cheshire.

He told us how the hypnotherapy treatment is commonly used to boost Confidence, reduce Anxiety and Stress issues which in a workplace like ours are almost a given! He gave us a generalised session around improving confidence and lowering stress.

What we thought

We asked some of our staff what they thought about the session and how they feel they benefited from it:


“Hypnotherapy is different to what I expected (it was more therapy based than hypnotic) I think it was really beneficial to take a bit of time out of the day to recharge ready for the day ahead!”


“Although slightly despondent about not being turned into a chicken, Nathan endorses Dave Webb in his work and finds the art of hypnotherapy beneficial to the office environment”


“I feel more relaxed and liberated to talk my mind apparently”

The Verdict

I think it’s safe to say that it was a very beneficial experience for most of the mosaic staff and we are looking into introducing this type of activity more frequently in the office to help with productivity.

To learn more about the hypnotherapist that led the session take a look at his website here:

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