Generating new business through your LinkedIn profile

Would you give someone a business card or send someone a CV with incorrect information on it? Nop...

Keep your profile up to scratch

It’s easy to brush over the basics of your LinkedIn profile. It can’t make that much of a difference, right? Wrong!

Would you give someone a business card or send someone a CV with incorrect information on it? Nope, so make sure all of your details, including your work experience, job title and skills are up to date.

The Headline of your LinkedIn needs to get to the point. If you’re aiming to promote a product which may prove useful to your followers, then you can skip over your job title (this can feature further down the page) and get straight to -what it is you are actually providing. Here is a good example:

linkedin profile

The next section will be your summary, which is your chance to expand further on the services you provide and direct people on how to get in touch with you.

Grow your connections

If you’re attending a business event or have just finished up at a meeting, a great tip is to click on the ‘Find nearby’ button on the LinkedIn App on your phone, this will pull up all nearby LinkedIn profiles using Wi-Fi and make it easier to connect. Setting yourself a goal of connecting with 5 new people a day is a quick and easy way of growing your connections over time.

Engaging content

Keeping active on LinkedIn by posting from your account is important yet most people seem to avoid it! Make sure you keep up to date with relevant industry news to present yourself as a thought-leader in your sector. Also liking, sharing, tagging and commenting on other peoples posts is very important as this will appear on other peoples timelines.

Don’t be afraid to post more ‘experimental’ content. LinkedIn has evolved and is becoming a lot more sociable, so yes, you can post a picture of your dog without feeling that it isn’t ‘professional’! People buy people, so giving your profile some personality won’t hurt. Plus sales post after sales post becomes boring and extremely repetitive!

Even posting a powerful quote is a great way of providing inspiration and reaching more people on LinkedIn.

Follow up on connections and interactions

Once you have connected with someone don’t let it become stagnant. If you see a way that you can add value to their business or vice-versa, then drop them a message thanking them for the connection along with a quick intro on who you are and whether they would like to further the discussion. Drop in a free tip or piece of advice if you are feeling generous!

How can Mosaic help?

If you are still left feeling confused or simply don’t have the time to manage your social media accounts then give us a call on 01925 563 960 or click here to see how we can help.

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