Remember, remember these 5 design tips for November

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Bonfire Night, a night of colour and wonder with a heap of flare. Truly an enchanted time and a beautiful sight to behold. As website designers, we try and capture that wonder on every websitewe create as we believe a pretty website is a productive website.

To celebrate this bonfire night, in addition to eating our chocolate apples, we have decided to share with you 5 design tips that will give your website the glow up it deserves.

Before we get started though don’t forget if you need assistance modernising or creating your website, please give us a call on 01925 563 960to see how we can help.

Equal Spacing & Consistent Sizing

The foundations of making a website as dazzling as a firework is to the first start by making your base design all neat and organised. As simple as it sounds, a consistently sized website is key to looking cool and is often overlooked and forgotten when people try and cram everything they have into a small area.

This applies for both the text size and the size of each section. Like a firework fountain, it is essential that the spacing is equal to show off what your business is capable of.

Complementary Colour Scheme

Such as a flurry of fireworks flying through the dark sky, making sure the flare of the fire makes a complementary colour contrast is a key feature in creating a firework display.

This same principle also applies when it comes to creating your website, an eye-catching colour scheme can astonish your viewers as they gaze upon the colourful creation that is your website.

The trick here is to try and keep the colour scheme on brand whilst trying to find colours that go well with one another without being overbearing on the viewer.

We use an online tool called Coolors that helps us choose a fitting colour scheme for each of our clients whilst embodying the essence of their brand.

Background Graphics / Abstract Shapes

Although this one is not quite as vital as the other design tips in this list we still believe this is the Catherine wheel of website design; not a showstopper but always welcomed. Abstract shapes draw the viewers’ attention to different elements of your website and can be used to great effect when trying to lead a potential customer to get a conversion.

Background graphics are an excellent way to make your website shine by filling up some white space with a little flurry of shapes, flash of colour or sparkle of imagery.

Generally, graphics like these don’t add to the practicality of your website but they certainly don’t take away from the design. You can see how we have effectively used abstract shapes and graphics throughout our website.


A well-shot rocket to light up an otherwise dull atmosphere can make all the difference between a good and bad bonfire night, likewise, a well-placed section can be the game-changer when it comes to making an outstanding and unique website.

Placement not only means putting sections in interesting and attention-grabbing ways but also means doing so in a manner that allows the more important content of your website to be more predominant such as your call to actions.

You must make sure that you don’t bury any content that is there to lead your potential customer to convert whilst also keeping your website layout fresh and flowing with popping placement and a fancy finish.


Last but not least, the cherry bomb on the cake; the true sparkler of website design – personality. Possibly the most important tip of all, above the rest, is to make sure your website is just what it says on the tin, yours.

Many websites will copy competitors that they know have a successful layout and there is nothing wrong with that but it is often overlooked that a truly great website is one that incorporates your business, your ideologies and what you stand for.

The best way for viewers and potential customers to get a feel about what you’re really about is by glowing up and quite literally showing your true colours.

It is understandable that you may find it difficult to incorporate any or all of these tips but doesn’t fret, we are here to help! Give us a call on 01925 563 960or contact us here and we will see what we can do in building you your perfect website ready with the bonfire night spirit in mind.

From everybody here at Mosaic, we wish you a wonderful bonfire night with lots of treacle toffee, toffee apples and many brilliant fireworks – but most importantly; stay safe!

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