New Year, New Branding!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have seen we have changed a few things within Mo...

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have seen we have changed a few things within Mosaic’s branding. Before the new year, we took the time to reflect on ourselves, and we felt it was time for some branding TLC. 

A new logo and colour palette. A shiny new website and mock-ups of updated social accounts. We treated ourselves to a fresh new look, so let us walk you through it. 

Say goodbye to 2021 and hello to 2022!

Rebranding Mosaic | Mosaic Digital Media

Wow! Look at that glow up! We’re so pleased with the new branding as it opens up new opportunities to show you what we can do. 

Instagram Branding

Not only did we upgrade the logo and colour palette, we planned out how we were going to tease the rebranding. 

Of course, as our name is Mosaic, we thought it would only be fitting to create a mosaic over on our Instagram. We archived all our old posts, keeping our followers on edge and excited for the next piece to the puzzle to be posted.

Mosaic Digital Media | Instagram page, old and new branding

Side by side comparison confirms that we have made the right decision. With a bio refresh and a lovely 9.2k following (we’re manifesting this growth in 2022), we’re excited to post content on our socials again!

Our first posts revealed our new highlight covers and colour palette with our new logo faintly behind. Having these as reels enabled us to reach a larger audience. We will definitely be implementing more reels into our content strategy going forward.

As you can see, the puzzle complete will show our new branding as a whole when our followers look at our feed.

Mosaic Digital Media | Instagram Logo Reveal

Why make the highlight posts as reels, I hear you ask? Well, as Instagram’s algorithm continues to change, we have to make an effort to keep up! Now reels are being pushed we want to try and use that to help us reach more of our target audience. We also want to make content that’s more engaging and interesting.

Facebook Branding

After the initial reveal posts, we wanted to keep a theme throughout. Here were the initial ideas for what we came up with:

Mosaic Digital Media | Facebook New Logo Reveal Posts

Twitter Branding

With Twitter, we had all three posts together in a thread. This being pinned to the top of the page means all the information wouldn’t be missed.

Mosaic Digital Media | Twitter Thread, Logo Reveal

If this blog has got you excited about your business’ potential for a branding glow-up, don’t hesitate to contact Mosaic! Call us on 01925 563 960 or contact us to start your 2022 the right way here.

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